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Run an ROI Calculator to Determine Feasibility of Automated Programmer Purchase

Request ROI Analysis

Provide us with a device list, with approximate programming data upload, and the number of devices needed per month, and we’ll provide you with an ROI Analysis.

Example Calculation

In this real-world example, we’ll break down the numbers to bring device programming in-house:

Total Devices per Year to program 1,000,000
Average Lot Size (Quantity of devices per Job) 1,000
Factory Burdened Hourly Labor Rate (Direct labor + Overhead) $15
Estimated APS Solution Price $89,999
Capital Equipment Amortization 5
Machine Utilization Rate 85%
Estimated Consumable cost per device (sockets, carrier tape, cover tape) $0.01
Expected Machine Throughput 1088
Programming Cost per Device (if outsourced or other programming process) $0.15
Estimated Job Chageover Hours 333
Production Hours Required 1415
Equipment Operation Cost per Year $39,220
Estimated Cost per Device to program $0.0492
System Payback Calculation  
Devices Programmed per Day (250 days per year) 4000
Savings per Device $0.10
Savings per Day $403.12
Work Days until System Purchase Payback 223.3

*BPM can help you with some of these numbers. If you provide us with a device list, how much data is to be programmed, and how many devices you need per month, we can give you a minimum configuration of a recommended system. Changeover hours are determined by how many changeovers per shift.

Payback in a few months

In the example above, it would take a few months (not years) to make device programming in-house a profit center! Once paid for, it’s almost all profit. Many customers use these systems for 10+ years and achieve 5-10X ROI.