+1 (713) 688-4600 | Sales Toll-Free: (855) SELL BPM | 24/7 Service: +1 (832) 617-5702 info@bpmmicro.com
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Tools for Local Sales & Support

Exclusively for Distributors and Channel Reps

BPM “Channel First” Portal

Partner level access to the latest pricing (Distributors only), product details, competitive advantages, and marketing content.  Once your partner status is confirmed, we’ll send you an email with login access to the partner content.

Reach out to a Distributor or Representative in your area for local support

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Inside Sales & Support

Penny Santhanam

Penny Santhanam

Customer Care Director

BPM Microsystems Inc.
Phone: +1 713 351-5693
Cell:  +1 832 975-3115
Fax: +1 713-688-0920
15000 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040
Email Me

  Pierce Weiss

Pierce Weiss

Executive Account Manager

BPM Microsystems Inc.
Phone: +1 713 244-8368
Fax: +1 713-688-0920
15000 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040

  Email me

Colin Harper

Colin Harper

Director of Product Management

BPM Microsystems Inc.
Phone: +1 832 358-1002
Fax: +1 713-688-0920
15000 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040
Email me